Вопросы пациентов - ЧУЗ "Больница "РЖД-Медицина" города Уссурийск"

Вопросы пациентов

15.03.2024 03:59:25, Jayme Carrasco

Вопрос: Did you hear about the SETC (sick leave and family leave tax credit) program that the IRS is closing after April 15th, 2024?
This is the same CARE program as the stimulus check that was mailed to your house during COVID.
You can receive up to $511 per person per day (up to $32,220) that you couldnt work during the pandemic.

Dont miss your COVID tax credit:
Call Kerry at 480-790-9186
Email Kerry at duc@directfunder.com
Or watch the explanation here: https://taxcreditfunder.com/en/
Нужно ответить до: 14.04.2024 03:59:25

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